

Become a Mission-Driven, Results-Oriented Leader

As a 管理 major at St. 爱德华的,你将学习如何在不同的工作环境中管理人员和流程. 

你将在会计等基本商业概念上获得坚实的基础, 金融, marketing 和 economics. Through your classes 和 h和s-on experiences, 你将培养解决问题的能力和合作的本能,这些都是优秀领导者的标志. 你将学习如何创造健康的工作关系和积极的环境,让员工(和组织)蓬勃发展.

Why earn your 管理 degree at St. 爱德华的?

主修管理学可以让你从事任何行业——从市场营销, sales or human resources to nonprofit leadership, government or 金融. 无论你的道路是什么,有一件事是肯定的:你的优势. 爱德华的 education will prepare you to succeed. 你会在课堂内外找到学习、回馈和实现目标的机会. And your mentors will support you every step of the way. 

Build relationships with your professors

在小班授课,由屡获殊荣的教授与丰富的专业知识在企业管理学习. They’ll get to know you, help you identify 和 focus on your goals, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解. 他们会利用自己的经验和人脉帮助你建立关系网.

Join a vibrant, like-minded community

和那些和你一样,想要在商业世界中留下自己印记的学生建立联系. 参加支持有前途的管理专家的学生组织. Attend panel discussions, meet business professionals, learn leadership skills, 参加志愿者活动,回馈社会. 

Earn two degrees in five years

在就业市场上获得竞争优势 管理学学士和工商管理硕士(MBA) with our pathway to receive two degrees in five years. 成功的教练 和 学术顾问 指导您完成本科和研究生课程,以最大限度地提高效益. 


Reap the Rewards of Austin

奥斯汀是美国经济增长最快的城市之一.S. 和 is home to nearly 100 Fortune 500 firms. 奥斯汀充满活力的商业环境为企业管理提供了丰富的实习和工作机会. 利用比尔·蒙迪商学院与奥斯汀实体(如资本的工厂和影响中心奥斯汀)之间的合作伙伴关系,这将有助于扩展您的网络. 

What do our graduates do?

管理专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • Enterprise Development Specialist at Canonical Ltd.
  • 奥斯汀风险投资公司Falkon Ventures的合伙人
  • 万豪国际集团总经理助理(带领85人团队)
  • Business Development Manager for Axiom
  • Team Lead for Indeed
  • Founder of a delivery startup

Explore More Details 关于 the BBA in 管理


The BBA in 管理 requires 63 hours of major coursework.

General Education Requirements: 
所有专业都要求学生在四年内完成44小时的通识教育, in addition to their major courses.


A few examples of the 管理 courses students take:

  • Human Resources 管理 – Learn the basic functions of personnel administration, including job analysis, 培训, 招聘, 选择, 就业测试, compensation management 和 performance appraisal.
  • 国际 管理 – Examine issues related to managing global business, including how different cultures inform business operations, 并学习有效沟通和道德冲突解决的策略.
  • Problem-Solving 和 Decision Making – Underst和 a problem-solving process for managing teams, 做决定, 解决冲突, communicating with stakeholders 和 implementing plans.

As a 管理 major, 您将通过与奥斯汀社区的实践项目和合作伙伴关系扩展您的技能.

Experiential Education

In the Organizational Behavior 和 Leading Teams course, students work in teams to analyze an organization, seeing organizational behavior come alive. Students recently worked with Keweenaw Mountain Lodge, a wilderness resort in Michigan, 和 with Austin businesses 和 nonprofits.

In the Social Responsibility of Business course, 你将参加社区的服务活动,并就这一经历写一篇论文. 你还将在一个团队中为一家公司创造一种新的产品或服务,以满足服务不足社区的社会需求.

Student Organizations

is the national honor society in business administration.

Sigma 这个男女同校的商业兄弟会是一个既专业又社交的俱乐部吗. In recent semesters members have attended a panel presentation about digital marketing 和 a talk about real estate investment careers; traveled to a leadership conference in Kansas City, networked at a happy hour with alumni; 和 made s和wiches for people living on the street.


比尔·蒙迪商学院(Bill monday 学校 of Business)与奥斯汀的一些组织建立了合作关系,让你沉浸在这座城市令人兴奋的创业文化中:

  • 资本的工厂 is 一个孵化器、联合办公空间和创业活动中心.
  • Austin Startup Crawl 是在西南偏南会议和节日期间在市中心多个地点展示技术和创业精神.
  • 影响中心奥斯汀 is part of a global network of impact innovation incubators,加速器,联合办公空间和非营利组织提供 programs blending business 和 social good.


  • Enterprise Rental Car management internship
  • Human resources internship at Oasis Advantage
  • 全国精神疾病联盟社区资源实习-德克萨斯州中部
  • LIVESTRONG Foundation human resources internship
  • Triple 8 管理 artist management internship

And internships at these organizations:

  • 的Alhambra-U.S. 室, 位于奥斯汀, 促进国际教育联系的发展, diplomatic 和 business projects
  • 奥斯汀市
  • 珍珠事件奥斯汀,专门从事婚礼和社会和企业职能
  • OpenStack Foundation
  • Michael McCaul for Congress campaign
  • Casa Maria Mexican Restaurant
  • Austin Parks Foundation
  • Texas Governor’s Commission for Women

Students from any major at St. 爱德华大学可以辅修管理学,以获得组织领导和有效决策的技能.


  • Introduction to Business – BUSI 1301
  • Human Resources 管理 – MGMT 3332
  • 国际 管理 – MGMT 3338
  • Problem Solving 和 Decision Making – MGMT 4343

Electives (Choose 2):

  • Social Responsibility of Business – BUSI 3328
  • Business Communication – BUSI 3330 
  • 组织行为学/领导团队和组织- MGMT 3334
  • Social Enterprise – MGMT 3322
  • The Art 和 Science of Negotiation – MGMT 3324
  • Project 管理 – MGMT 3326
  • Special Topics in 管理 – MGMT 3399
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship – ENTR 2301


比尔·蒙迪商学院辅修管理专业的学生, 只有BUSI 1301(商学导论)可以算作主修和辅修科目.

Are you a current student? 联系 your advisor for next steps in declaring your major or minor.

我们的管理学院在商业界非常活跃. They are involved with professional organizations, such as the Academy of 管理, American Production 和 Inventory Control Society, American Society for Quality, Association for Business Communication, Institute for Supply 管理, 和 Project 管理 Institute.

Their research has been published in the Journal of 管理, Academy of 管理 Review, 国际 Journal of Business Communication, 和 Business 和 Professional Ethics Journal.

“I 相信当学生积极参与课程内容时,他们学到的东西最多. 然后,他们可以将理论和概念与他们感兴趣的现象联系起来. I motivate students to reason logically, 和在一起, we create an intellectual atmosphere of discussing, 分享与学习.
玛丽·邓恩博士, Chair of the 管理 部门; Associate Professor of 管理